
Monday, October 12, 2009

Article Advantage PRO

Article Advantage PRO

At Last! A Way In Which Even The Most Novice Webmasters (And Webmistresses!) Can Plaster Crowd-Pulling Articles All Over The Web!(And You Don't Even Have To Write A Word!)

From the desk of Ian Traynor
31 October 2008
Dear Fellow Webmaster
How many of these questions apply to you?

Have you ever wondered how some top internet marketers' names seem to keep cropping up all over the web?
Have you ever wished that you could achieve the same results?
Are you really getting desperate to get wider exposure for your website? For your product or service?
Are you wanting to dramatically boost the number of subscribers on your mailing list?
Believe me, if you've ticked any of these boxes, you're in good company! Many website owners are really struggling to resolve these online marketing problems.
I know. I've been there!
And I also know that there's no one single simple solution to overcome these problems. I've been in selling and marketing for more years than I care to remember! So I know that marketing - online and offline - is all about trying new ideas. About experimenting. About making small changes to your marketing approach, and seeing what works and what doesn't.
And that's where the strategy of 'marketing through writing articles' comes into its own.
Everyone online is looking for free information. Something for nothing. So give people what they want.
They want advice on the products / services you are selling? So give them this advice. Free and unreservedly. As much as you give, so shall you receive. So you write an article, and it has a link to your website or your email address - and you hope that's going to get a swarm of "qualified prospects" (people with the money and the inclination to buy) to your site.
But You've Got Two Huge Problems
Problem #1 You don't have the time / skills to keep churning out articles.
Problem #2 You don't know how get these articles, even if you could write them, plastered over the Internet. You know that it's not enough to offer them just from your own website.
Now, consider an alternative..
What if you could offer this free information, this free advice, these articles over a much wider network than just your own website?

* What if you had a "click and paste" solution which could instantly produce over 200 ready made articles with your name as the author?
* What if you could offer a solution to other webmasters to put your articles on their website - with links back to your product or service pages?
* What if this offer was so irresistible that they couldn't refuse you?
* What if your offer to them convinced them that their visitors would return to their website time and time again.. with fresh updated material - and they didn't have to do a lick to do it!

It's a webmaster's dream. And you could give this dream to them.
On a plate! Free, and with only a tiny bit of work on their part. Like, 2 minutes of their time! And about the same amount of your time.
I'm talking about webmasters all over the world biting your hand off to allow them to syndicate your articles.
And you know what? It's almost as easy for you to offer them this dream! Yes, it is possible. All you need is..
Article Advantage Pro
Here's what you can do with this unique suite of programs:

* Generate over 200 articles with your name and contact details in the "resource box"
* Allow other webmasters to have your articles on their websites. And you can change the articles without them having to do anything!
* Search my private database of over 11,000 articles and format them in text or HTML with a single click.
* Write your own articles, guided by expert authoress, Kristi Sayles. Just fill in the blanks!

OK - let's look at these powerful software programs in more detail:

Module #1

Articles Now!
Over 200 Articles You Can Can Claim As Your Own
You don't need to write a word - except to put a few words of text into a "Resource Box" at the end of the article, which tells about you and gives a link to your website or email address.
You get over 200 professionally-written articles which you can claim as your own. The only restriction is that you can't claim copyright on them.
All you need to do is:

* Select an article from the drop-down box
* Type your name as the author and enter your details which will appear as a "Resource Box" at the end of the article. (You'll only need to type the Resource Box details once; you can save them and reload them to use in any of the 200+ articles).
* Click a button to produce a text version (for your newsletter) or an HTML version (for your website or other people's sites)

If you use one of these articles a week, that's about 4 years supply of articles for you!

Module #2

Syndicate This!
If You Can Use A Mouse You Can Use This Software!
Imagine this..
You tell other webmasters that you can give them a constant supply of fresh content for their website. All they need to do is to paste a snippet of code onto their site. And they do this just once. I even give you the text of the email you can send them!
Every week (or however frequently you want) you produce an article using the "Articles Now!" software. That takes about 30 seconds. Then here's what you do:

* Click the "Copy" button - then switch into Syndicate This!
* Hit CTRL-V (paste)
* Click a button
* Click another button
* Open a text editor (such as Windows Notepad)
* CTRL-V (paste)
* CTRL-S (save)

Then just upload the file to your web server, and you're done!
Just count those mouse clicks. About six. That's how much effort it takes to spread your articles or other people's articles, (which include a link back to your website) all over the Web - as often as you like.
Of course, you don't have to use "Articles Now!" - you can syndicate any article in HTML format using "Syndicate This!".
Syndicate This! has another bonus - for you, and for webmasters who take your content. Just type a title (headline) for your article and with just three more clicks, you can give them a link - say from their home page - to your syndicated article on one of their inside pages. Again, a no-brainer one-off insertion of a line of code on their home page - paste and forget. And for you - just type a headline and click three times, and you're done.

Module #3

Article Vault
Instant Access To My Private Searchable Database Of Over 11,000 Articles
Locked away on one of my web servers somewhere in the Eastern United States is my private store of over 11,000 articles.
They're organised into 19 categories such as "Marketing", "Kids & Teens", "Autos", "Home Improvement" etc - all searchable by keywords.
The search options are very flexible.. you can search by keyword in the title, in the author's name and / or in the description.
Now I'm opening up my Article Vault to you!
When you've found an article you like, here's where the real power of Article Vault kicks in..
You're given both a text and an HTML version of the article. And one click on a button copies either version to your PC's clipboard. So the article is ready to paste into your newsletter (text version) or your web page (HTML version).
Grabbing content to freshen up your ezine or your website doesn't get much easier!

Module #4

Instant Article Creator
The Easy Way To Create Your Own Articles:
Guided By Kristi Sayles
Let's face it: not everyone is a gifted writer! Many, many people struggle to write even a short 200 - 300 word article. That's a great shame:

* Everyone has a unique body of knowledge inside their brain. And other people would benefit from some of your knowledge.
* Writing articles is a great way to become accepted as an "authority" on a particular subject. And it's a great way to drive traffic and buying customers to your website.

Here's an easy route to writing your own articles - even if you think you can't!
Leading writer, Kristi Sayles, has developed a simple "fill-in-the-blanks" guide to writing articles. And she's allowed me, under license, to include a special version in this "Article Advantage Pro" package.
Using Kristi's unique "7 Formulas", you select the type of article you want to write.
Then, guided by Kristi, you go through a work sheet, just filling in the blanks.
When you've completed this, you will have written your article! You can review it, and the hit a button to copy it to your PC's clipboard, ready to paste in to your web page or newsletter.
Or you can save it and work on it later.
This really is the ultimate in article creation software!
So there you have it! Four superb and unique software programs wrapped up in the Article Advantage Pro package. So what have I forgotten?
Ah yes - the bonuses! Seems like every product has to have some bonuses :-)
But these are different. They're not just a load of irrelevant stuff thrown in at the last minute. These are my hand-picked products which will really complement the main tools in Article Advantage Pro.
Bumper Bonuses!
Here's some more great resources included in your Article Advantage Pro package:

Bonus #1

Article Magic
A Great Collection Of Articles - About Writing Articles!
Here's some of the main topics:

* Why Should You Write Articles?
* Tips for Researching & Writing Better Articles
* How To Promote Your Articles Effectively
* How to Make More Profits with Your Articles
* Article Copyright Issue
* Places to Submit Your Article
* Resources & Tools for Writers

There's nearly 70 articles about writing and profiting from articles - plus a host of resources for article writers.
This is a great educational resource!

Bonus #2

Article Wiz
Nearly 70 Articles By 4 Of The Top Internet Marketers
Don't be put off by the poor quality graphic!
Inside Article Wiz you'll find even more superb articles that you can use in your newsletter or website.
Again - very easy to use. Just select an article, review it and then click on a button to grab the HTML code for the article.

Bonus #3

The Best Articles Ever Written
Learn From 16 Of The Article Writing Experts
You can use these articles on your website (if you attribute them to the authors). And you'll get a lot of kudos from doing so because they're written by well-known names such as:

* Willie Crawford
* John Delavera
* Patric Chan
* Gary Huynh
* Dr. Mani

But even better, you can learn from them by looking carefully at the way they've constructed the articles.

Bonus #4

Viral Writing
Automate Your Writing Like A Virus!
Larry Dotson is no slouch when it comes to writing articles. He has a prolific output!
But in this concise report, he gives us a system which means that we don't have to write articles. We get other people to write for us - for free!
"Viral Writing" is not a new eBook. It's been around for a few years.
But I am continually seeing the results of other people having followed his superb system. It works!
Here's What You Will Be Downloading
Just Minutes From Now!
Module #1 Articles Now: Over 200 articles you can put your name to - and turn into text or HTML versions with one click of a button.
Module #2 Syndicate This!: A no-brainer method of getting your articles on other people's websites with just a few mouse clicks. No technical skills needed.
Module #3 Article Vault: Access my searchable Private Database of over 11,000 articles. Turn any of them into text or HTML versions with a single click.
Module #4 Instant Article Creator: Top writer, Kristi Sayles, leads you by the hand as you fill in the blanks to create your very own stunning articles.
Bonus #1 Article Magic: Nearly 70 articles - about writing articles and getting them published.
Bonus #2 Article Wiz: Nearly 70 articles by 4 leading internet marketers. Grab the text or HTML versions with one click of a button.
Bonus #3 The Best Articles Ever Written: Classic articles from 16 leading internet marketers. Yes, you can use them on your website. But learn article writing techniques from them as well.
Bonus #4 Viral Writing: Learn how to use Larry Dotson's successful technique for getting other people to write articles for you - for free!


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