
Sunday, May 24, 2009

ClickAdsPro Lite

ClickAdsPro Lite
Paste A Single Line Of Code On ANY Of Your Web Pages & Watch 6860 Super-Marketers Battle It Out To Make YOU Money!

Amazing New Software Lets You Earn Upto 75% Commissions On Over 11,000 Hot-Selling Products Using Your Existing Website...

You have probably heard of Google® Adsense™. It is perhaps the most successful contextual advertising program available today. Adsense™ basically allows you to paste a few lines of code on your webpages, and earn a few cents for every click on those ads.

You might have also heard of ClickBank®. If not, ClickBank is the trusted payment processor of over 6860 super marketers on the internet today. All the internet super-affiliates love ClickBank for one specific reason - it allows you to earn commission on 11,000+ products by signing up with them once. What is the big deal in that? You might ask. Each product pays you 25-75% commissions, the average being 50%. Click Here to take a look at the kind of products being sold through ClickBank, and the commission you can earn per product.

What if you can combine the power of Adsense™ & ClickBank®? I mean what if you can show ads similar to those shown by Adsense, but incorporates ClickBank products embedded with YOUR affiliate ID? Every click on such ads will take your visitor to killer salesletters of top-selling products. Result? You earn $100s in commissions -- instead of just cents through Adsense. Would you love to own a script that does just that?

ClickAdsPro-Lite is our latest script written in PHP that will help you earn huge amounts of affiliate commissions with your existing website.

Take a look at ClickAdsPro-Lite features below:

* Rotate Targeted Ads On Any Kind Of Webpages

A single line of code on any of your webpage -- that is all it requires to start earning commissions. ClickAdsPro-Lite will rotate targeted ads on those pages. The best part is that ClickAdsPro-Lite will choose different ads every time, so that the probability of getting the same ad again is very less (unless of course there is a scarcity in the product database for your keyword).

* Choose From 10 Different Ad Layouts

ClickAdsPro-Lite lets you generate 10 different adstyles - towers, skyscrapers, vertical ads, banners - ClickAdsPro-Lite has it all. All kinds of ads that matches your requirements! The following are the different styles that ClickAdsPro-Lite can generate:

468X60 Banner
728X90 Leaderboard
125X125 Button
180X50 Small Rectangle
120X600 Skyscrapper
160X600 Wide Skyscrapper
120X240 Vertical Banner
300X250 Medium Rectangle
250X250 Square
336X280 Large Rectangle

* Adcode Generator

An easy-to-use adcode generator generates the code that you need to paste on your webpages. Fill in the required data, click the Generate button, and you are done.

* Easy-To-Use Administration Panel

All the basic settings of ClickAdsPro-Lite is done through the online administration panel. Through the admin panel, you can easily set the default colors that ClickAdsPro-Lite uses, the default keyword for the ads shown, etc.

* Complete Control Over The Ads Shown

You can easily control the ad characteristics at run time. The border color, the keyword to match the ad with, the table color -- everything is passed to at runtime. This means more flexibility for you!

* Link Cloaking

All the links in ads generated by ClickAdsPro-Lite are cloaked so that no one can steal your affiliate commissions.

* Easy To Install

Installation of ClickAdsPro-Lite is so easy that a 5 year old child can install it in seconds. There is no lengthy procedure, nor any MySQL database to set up - everything is stored in simple flat files. Infact, if you know how to upload files to your server, and change file permissions, you can install ClickAdsPro-Lite in just 10 seconds.

Retail Value: $199.00
Product Rights: Master Resell Rights



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