
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Stalytics2 v2.0.3 Null MAFiASCRiPTS

Movie PHP Script

Movie PHP script will give your website the edge it needs to bring entertainment to your visitor. This wonderful script had equipped with:

* Post movie direct from Google Video, Youku, VEOH, Megaupload, and many more popular video sites.
(More Info.)
* URL Search Engine Friendly.
* Great interface allow visitor to manage the site easily.
* highly secure system.
* Sort movie by alphabet, newly listed, and most viewed.
* different view options for visitor to choose from.
* Allow visitor to watch movie in full view mode.
* Visitor could send the movie link to his/her friend with one click.
* Easy to manage and secure admin system.
* Allow admin to create more account with different permission giving to different account.
* Easy too add in advertise for the site.
* post movie fast within one step.
* Allow to add in description for the movie.
* Allow admin to add/edit/remove category.

* Demo:
* Easy-Share:
* Depositfiles:
* FileFactory:
* SharedZilla:
* ZShare:
* FlyUpload:

How to add Different Meta tags to Different Blogger Posts

What's the use of adding different meta descriptions to different Blogger Posts?

It is very good for SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) . Actually, why we are adding meta tags is to tell search engines what that page is all about... but, using same meta tags to all of your blog posts lessens the search engine rankings and traffic little bit.

But, if you add different unique meta tags to different Blog posts, it makes the search engines to know more about your individual blog posts and make them crawl and index your pages better and it also improves your Search engine rankings for sure ;)

So, how to add this?

For this to happen, you have to add some pieces of codes to the template.

First Sign in to Blogger dashboard » Layout » Edit html

and find this line

and add this code just below that line

So, the final code looks like this one

We now added meta tags to the homepage. Next, you want to add meta description for another post, for example :

Now, what you have to do is pasting the above three lines below the present code and changing the link,description and keywords.

So, the final code now looks something like


How to add Paypal Button to your Blogger Blog, Adding Donations to your blog' name='description'/>

Adding,Paypal,Donate,Button' name='keywords'/>

Just like the above procedure, you can add different meta tags to as many blog posts as you can.

PrismoTube.v1.0 [iAG] + 2 Templates

This is your chance to run your very own online video site at a fantastic price!
The script comes Google Adsense or Yahoo! Publisher Network compatible.
You simply register at one of them and enter your code into your site admin area, any clicks that visitors make on your adverts you get paid for!

Price $ 49.99
For BladiSoft members $0,00

Requirements - Shared Hosting
- PHP 4/5
- mySQL 4.x+
- ModRewrite
- 50MB+ Disk Space
DEMO (Dark Tube)

DEMO (Light Tube)

DEMO ADMIN (Admin User: demo Admin Pass: demo )

Youtube Television v2.0

YouTube Television is a PHP script to add on your site a 24h TV station playing random videos from YouTUBE. You can personalize your TV with contextual videos.Example: if you have a Beatles tribute page you can create a Beatles Channel playing random videos from YouTube or if you have a music site you can create a video music channel… You can download videos and save them on your PC. Data is pulled dynamically from the content providers - no mysql database required. Deleted YouTube Videos are automatically removed from the youtubetelevision playlist! However, you can remove them manually. From admin section you can manage videos, (add new or delete) and make a backup of your video playlist.

Image Hosting Script, No MySQL + 100% FREE + Fast as Light

Core Features:

NO MySQL (No Database)
Fastest among all imagehosting scripts on internet (yes it is claimed)
100% FREE

Package is provided alongwith automated installer that requires just one click to go. Secondly installer creates and verifies the sub-folders itself, so you do not need to chmod everything. Besides a help file HOW_TO_INSTALL.txt is also dispatched with the zip package that entails almsot every action needed to perform safe install.

Detailed Features

Claimed to be Most Speedy Application on internet
(most pages load in 2 milliseconds means 0.002 = 2/1000 milliseconds)

Brand new idea of Template-Caching through sessions
GZip Output buffering makes output smaller
No SQL, just plain files to store data
Security of files on Linux/Unix server
Very fast access to required pattern file

User registration / Login / Validation / Settings
Unbreakable Captcha for security (true type fonts based)
Password Protected Galleries
Profiles / User biodata / gallery listing
User to User Messaging
Image Watermarking
multiple / single / from url uploads
Thumbs maintain aspect ratio

Admin Panel

Update Manager - Lets admin install updates / patches from directly (no up/downloading)
Alexa Traffic Graph
User control - Edit / Suspend / Unlock
Image control
Gallery control Edit / Delete / Filter / Protect / Unprotect
Archived Images / Galleries
Full Flood Control
Server CPU control
Time limit for remote images migration
IP Blocking with Wildcard support
Install Updates directly from mother site - no mess of downloading and uploading or modifying scripts/templates

Full search Engine Optimization
Paging almost everywhere to prevent scattered view
User-end gallery maintenance

Set / Remove Password
Move images between galleries easily
Set gallery custom icon image
Quick select/deselect all images in gallery
Get paste code for selected images

Full track of images
Visitor to track recently uploaded images if goes login or registers
All pages include script execution time.
Very easy to edit templates to add custom text or ads thoughout the site
Featured images’ option for administrator easily accessible
And Secure as much as possible.
Report Abuse
Gallery custom tags for seo

And obviously - 100% HUNDRED PERCENT FREE

IP2Location™ Script

IP2Location™ IP-COUNTRY-REGION-CITY-LATITUDE-LONGITUDE-ZIPCODE-TIMEZONE-AREACODE database enables solution to determine country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ZIP code, timezone, IDD code and AREA code of any IP address in a few simple steps. First, retrieve IP address from networking protocol or server-side variable of Web server. Next, translate IP address to IP number in decimal format to speed up database query. Lastly, reverse lookup the IP number from the IP2Location™ database to pinpoint exact geographical location.
* The ZIP code and Area Code information is available in United States only.

vBulletin 3.7.3 PL1 NULLED by MAFiASCRiPTS

vBulletin is a professional, affordable community forum solution. Thousands of clients, including many industry leading blue chip companies, have chosen vBulletin - It’s the ideal choice for any size of community.

|| # NAME : vBulletin # ||
|| # VERSION : 3.7.3 PL1 # ||
|| # TYPE : Bulletin Board System # ||
|| # SUPPLIED : MAFiASCRiPTS Friend # ||
|| # WEBSITE : # ||
|| # RETAILS : $160.00 # ||
|| # MST PRICE : 100% FREE # ||
|| # DISTRO : VIA MS # ||
|| # DEMO : # ||
|| # ADDONS : n/a # ||
|| # XTRA NOTE : Props fliez to contributors of this project: supplier, # ||
|| # nuller and QAT. # ||
|| # DOCS : check ‘vb3_readme.txt’ for setup & installation info # ||

vBulletin 3.7.3 PL1 NULLED by MAFiASCRiPTS

vBulletin is a professional, affordable community forum solution. Thousands of clients, including many industry leading blue chip companies, have chosen vBulletin - It’s the ideal choice for any size of community.

|| # NAME : vBulletin # ||
|| # VERSION : 3.7.3 PL1 # ||
|| # TYPE : Bulletin Board System # ||
|| # SUPPLIED : MAFiASCRiPTS Friend # ||
|| # WEBSITE : # ||
|| # RETAILS : $160.00 # ||
|| # MST PRICE : 100% FREE # ||
|| # DISTRO : VIA MS # ||
|| # DEMO : # ||
|| # ADDONS : n/a # ||
|| # XTRA NOTE : Props fliez to contributors of this project: supplier, # ||
|| # nuller and QAT. # ||
|| # DOCS : check ‘vb3_readme.txt’ for setup & installation info # ||

vBulletin 3.7.3 PL1 NULLED by MAFiASCRiPTS

vBulletin is a professional, affordable community forum solution. Thousands of clients, including many industry leading blue chip companies, have chosen vBulletin - It’s the ideal choice for any size of community.

|| # NAME : vBulletin # ||
|| # VERSION : 3.7.3 PL1 # ||
|| # TYPE : Bulletin Board System # ||
|| # SUPPLIED : MAFiASCRiPTS Friend # ||
|| # WEBSITE : # ||
|| # RETAILS : $160.00 # ||
|| # MST PRICE : 100% FREE # ||
|| # DISTRO : VIA MS # ||
|| # DEMO : # ||
|| # ADDONS : n/a # ||
|| # XTRA NOTE : Props fliez to contributors of this project: supplier, # ||
|| # nuller and QAT. # ||
|| # DOCS : check ‘vb3_readme.txt’ for setup & installation info # ||

Diferior 8.03 - Opensource Torrent Portal + CMS + Blog + DL

For those of you unfamiliar with the project, by definition Diferior (different + superior, get it?) is a multi-purpose content management system, meaning that it provides all the necessary tools to easily publish and organize your content. What is so special about it, you ask? Well, this is not your ordinary blog CMS. In fact, it is capable of distributing files via BitTorrent, HTTP and FTP protocols, has inbuilt forums, a sophisticated user system and many many more features that each can be tweaked, customized or disabled altogether.
You can run torrent trackers, blogs, forums and other community-based sites with it.

Now onto the fun stuff. 8.03 introduces many new features:
Even though I have tested the previous beta release on different server configurations, some people still ran into trouble setting it up. 8.03 should work on any server that is capable of running PHP 5.2+ (with GD module) and MySQL database. Mod_rewrite dependency has been removed (although it’s still highly recommended).
Improved torrent tracker backend support
The previous beta worked only with a modified XBTT tracker. This release supports almost any possible tracker backend. Running a public tracker? Use OpenTracker. Don’t have GCC access? Use PHP tracker. Server load problems? Use XBTT. Furthermore, you are able to configure Diferior to work with anonymous public (a.k.a external) trackers, e.g. or Not only will this relieve your server from IP-address crunching duty, it might also add another layer of legal safety, so to speak (*cough*).
You will now be able to assign tags to blog posts and downloads. A significant addition for sites with loads of content. No longer will you have to decide which single category your submission best represents. Simply add some keywords to the tags field and it’s all good.
Anonymous comments
Encouraging users to express themselves is essential for any growing community. Anonymous commenting is sort of “try before you buy” solution, allowing users to easily voice themselves on a particular matter, without going through a (~minute long) registration process.
IP-address hashing
With this option turned on, Diferior will hash client IP-addresses, instead of storing them in plain text. Since hashes are impossible to decrypt, your users will feel much safer about their privacy. Note that server configuration is still up to the server administrator, as it’s way out of any regular WEB CMS’s league.
Improved templating
While Diferior has a sophisticated templating system, introducing and distributing quick hacks to existing skins can be cumbersome. 8.03 has some improvements in it’s template handling system which allow inclusions of extra stylesheets for current templates, thus enabling designers to code their own layouts and color schemes without messing with HTML or Smarty tags.
Forums improvements
With forum search, “quote” and “edit post” buttons it is now much easier to follow and participate in discussions. There are also some minor UI fixes, that make forums so much more fun to use.
Private messaging
This one was probably among top-requested features. Well, it’s finally here. You can send, receive and reply to private messages, engage into personal conversations with other users or simply notify members of something. In case you’re concerned about your users flooding each other, don’t - there’s a customizable PM box limit, as well as anti-flood control system.
Bugfixes, other tweaks
There’s a lengthy changelog in the README file, that is attached to the download archive. Many small tweaks and fixes in this release. You can check it out, if you’re a sucker for details

Open source PHP based social news application - Social Web CMS (SWCMS)

What is SWCMS?

Social Web CMS (SWCMS) is a mature, full-featured, and open source social news application written in PHP and utilizing a MySQL backend. From the web newbie looking for a simple way to enter the playing field to advanced developers hoping to drive social news to the next level, SWCMS is your best source for full, free, and actively developed social news applications.

Social Web CMS Features

    • User Submitted Articles.
    • Vote/Bury Articles.
    • Threaded Comments.
    • Comment Rating.
    • Live AJAX Activity Page.
    • Sort Submitted Content For Easy Discovery.
    • Automatic RSS Feed Creation for Site Sections and Categories.
    • Automatic RSS Feeds for Each User.
    • Member Profiles.
    • Private Messaging.
    • Anti Spam Features Built-In.
    • URL Blocklist.
    • Administrator’s Control Panel.
    • RSS Content Importer.
    • Smarty Template Engine.
    • Search Engine Friendly.
    • Multi Language Support.
    • Addon Module Support.

System Requirements?
SWCMS can be run with minimal development knowledge. Almost any webhost will be able to handle SWCMS without issues. For those interested in the technical requirements, SWCMS requires:

  • PHP 4.3.0 or Higher.
  • MySQL Server.

Domain Name Hacker

Domain Name Hacker

Domain Hack Search 1.0
November 2008

This script will search for domain hacks such as and
It does not require any configuration (except maybe layout)

MSN Web Messenger Script

Open up ‘’ and edit the MYsql information

Upload all the files excluding this one to the server

Run ‘install.php’,you shoudl get a message saying its completed

Adsense Site 50.000 pages

Adsense Site 50.000 pages

This is a Adsense site / search engine with more the 50.000 pages full with adsense content. Have a look here at the demo:

Joomla Component - Google Adsense Search (gsearch Pro)

Ever wanted to show Google AdSense Search Results on your Joomla! site itself? Ever wanted to use Google Search, keep your visitors on your site, increase traffic and also earn revenue at the same time?

It’s possible now. Just install this extension for Joomla! with a single click installation, insert your Google AdSense ID and you are done. Almost every option available at the Google AdSense backend and more… It can be a great revenue generator for your site.


Single Click installation of both the component and module
Easy licensing - Just insert the license key in the Component backend, that’s it!
Hooks with Joomla core search as requested here.
Color Picker available in component backend for easy color selection
AJAX based update checking feature - instantly check the availability of updates
Domain name or sitename arrangement under the search box is highly configurable - with many orientation options available.
All configurations are stored in database, so that with future updates, the settings remain intact, unless it is a major upgrade.

Viral Inviter NULLED 100% Working

"Permanent Link to Viral Inviter NULLED 100% Working"

The first ever Viral “Tell-A-Friend” Software that makes old-fashioned “Tell-A-Friend” scripts obsolete.

  • It allows users to easily and instantly invite ALL of their contacts from Google, Yahoo, AOL, & MSN [34 services total] with just TWO simple clicks.
  • Harnessing the exact same technology that powers Facebook, MySpace, Hi5, LinkedIn and many more the biggest traffic sites on the planet!
  • It can generate an avalanche of zero-cost free traffic automatically in just seconds.
  • Plus: it even offers a customizable reward system to motivate users to continue inviting as many friends as possible
It combines the most important Viral Marketing Faktors:
  1. Make it as easy as possible for your visitors to spread your message
  2. Reward your visitors for telling their friends.
Both can be totally automated with our Viral Inviter PHP script
Once You Turn On This Plug-And-Play In-A-Box Traffic-Generation System, It Can’t Stop Sending You Visitor, Users, OptIns…
This Traffic Is FREE And NOT Coming From Google, PPC, JVs Or Any Other Source
That Cost You Money, Time Or Effort!
Compare Viral Inviter below. I honestly stand for the fact that we built the most sophisticated, stable and feature-rich friend-invitation tool on the planet. This time… take my word for it! And ask our excisting customers about this: In the last 4 weeks alone, we added so many features and improvements, that no other script could keep up with our speed of implementation.
Compare Viral Inviter below. I honestly stand for the fact that we built the most sophisticated, stable and feature-rich friend-invitation tool on the planet. This time… take my word for it! And ask our excisting customers about this: In the last 4 weeks alone, we added so many features and improvements, that no other script could keep up with our speed of implementation.
Login to with user testuser and pw moon123. go to my account and then click the link click here to invite some friends

Our Space 2.1 “My Space Clone

Our Space 2.1 “My Space Clone

Rated #1 social networking solution for your online community. Our Space is easy to use, easy to customize, and packed with advanced features only found on top community sites.

It’s like YouTube, MySpace, Photobucket and Yahoo Groups, all put into one!

Interspire Email Marketer 5.0

What is Interspire Email Marketer?

Interspire Email Marketer (formerly SendStudio) is browser-based email marketing and autoresponder software that over 15,000 business owners, digital agencies and web hosting providers use every day to create, send and track profitable email campaigns and autoresponders - either for themselves or for their clients.

All-In-One Email Marketing Software for Any Business
Interspire Email Marketer is the perfect choice for business owners looking to send email campaigns, newsletters, welcome emails, special promotions, autoresponders and more to their leads, contacts and customers. A general overview of features is shown below, or you can read about features designed specifically for you.

Anyone can create and send stunning email campaigns
Build your own email campaigns using the step-by-step campaign builder or choose from and customize over 35 professionally designed, industry-specific email templates.

Easy, browser-based contact management
Add contacts to your contact lists one-by-one or import existing contacts from your any CRM, email program or database using a point and click web-based interface.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Centricle - Quick Easy way to add HTML Code to Your Blog Posts

  1. There is a free and easy tool, Centricle, which you can use to display HTML within your blog posting.
    1. Type the HTML code you want to display between the tags above.
    2. Click "Encode"
    3. If you need to go back to edit, just click "Decode"
    4. Once you Encode, copy and paste the results into your blog post.
I added some HTML code (above) between and , clicked on Encode and here are my results, which I copied and pasted below.


Centricle is a free program that makes displaying HTML code within a blog post simple. It's also the easiest way I found

Find High Traffic Search Keywords

As a beginner Before to create your blogger or website to make money online through part time online jobs you should find out the niche topic. So, before to start building for your blogger or website weather its for entertainment or to make money online through part time online jobs analyze the real trend of searches. Now we explain you what is trends and How to analyze trends for your blogger to make money online.

What is trends?

To analyze trends in other words to find out the which subject has attract more people in specific country or region. If you create the website or blogger based on the viewers interest its easy to promote as well as there is chance to get more visitors to your blogger or website also more revenue through your website or blogger. Once you get more visitors to you

For example you are plan to build a website or blogger. Which topic related information you are going to provide in your website ? Everyone have a different opinion. If you are civil engineer you are prefer to build website related to your career. Possibly you are trying to offer the information related to civil engineering like surveys the land, tips to build a new home like that.

But if you are going to create related to this topic will you get traffic for your blogger or website? We never say you won’t get traffic. But analyze the real trend. In this Internet world which subject people are having more interest. So analyze the trend of your region or country. You get clear idea of your blogger or website.

How to analyze the trends ??

Analyze the trends is not a hard task. Google Inc offers you great tool named Google trends. Google trends also similarly appeared as Google search. But Google trends do the miracles to you to find out the search trend of your country or region. Also its Free too. Here we shown you as screenshot how the Google trends appears. You can access trends through

In this page Google offers you day to day hot search keywords searched through Google Search which results only United states. But when you search with your own keywords it will show the results for any country or region. You can use up to 5 keywords or phrases in the Google trends. Which will offers you results as that which specific keyword have more traffic and which one have less traffic and offers you results in region basis and country basis. Even you can get results language wise too.

Here we explain you how to search and find the Trend analysis through Google Trends with evergreen example keywords like Movies, Music , Dance , Jobs and Tourism. If you utilize this article you can Earn more through part time online jobs (Pay Per Click Programs)

Friday, February 20, 2009

How to Change Blog Title with your Blog Posts Title

This Blogger hack will help you to optimize the chance of your blog posts to appear in the search result in Google or other search engines.

This is very easy! Here's what you have to do:

1. Log on to your Blogger account.

2. Go to Layout > Edit HTML in your Blogger Dashboard.

3. Search for this tag:

<title><data:blog.pagetitle/></title> <span style="color:green;"><title><data:blog.pagetitle/></title></span>

4. Replace the tag above with this tag:

<b:if cond="data:blog.pageType == "index"">
<b:else><title><data:blog.pagename/> ~ <data:blog.title/></title></b:else></b:if><span style="color:green;"><b:if cond="'data:blog.pageType">
<b:else><title><data:blog.pagename/> ~ <data:blog.title/></title></b:else></b:if></span>
<b:if cond="data:blog.pageType == "index"">

5. Save your template.

If you have any problems regarding this tutorial feel free to ask me. Thank You!
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Photo Stock : Business Photo Stock

Photo Stock : Business Photo Stock

Read More

Graphic » Vectors : Set of Design Elements

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

PSD ButterFlys

PSD Butterflys | 12 PSD Files | 18 MB | RS

150 Badges with PSD

150 Badges (included the PSD File) - 1.5 MB

Apple Icons

Apple Icons | 83 PNG | 5,2 mb
Download link:

Downtr Mirror

Milky Icons

Milky Icons | 1xPNGxAi | 1.2MB



Web Browser Icons

Web Browser Icons
ico & png | 1.9 MB

Portable Atomix Virtual DJ Professional 5.2

AtomixMP3'ün devamı niteliğindeki Virtual DJ tüm müzikseverleri bilgisayar başına toplayıp Carl Cox gibi profesyonel bir DJ yapmayı amaçlayan MP3 Mix'leme programıdır. Program *.MP3 ve *.WAV dosyalarını desteklemekle beraber birçok ses efektiyle birlikte gelmektedir. Birden çok ses kartı ile kullanabilme özelliği sayesinde bu sektörün en çok aranan programı haline gelmiş durumdadır. Tema (skin) ekleme özelliği de programa ek olarak artı puan kazandıran faktörlerdendir.

# Evrensel veritabanında yazar veya parça adına göre arama yapabilme özelliği eklendi.
# FreeFrame video eklentileri ile tamamen uyumluluk sağlama özelliği eklendi.
# Arkaplanda Napster parçalarını önizleme yapabilme özelliği eklendi.
# Webradio özelliği ile yayın yapabilirsiniz.
# Kendi müziklerinizi CD'ye yazabilirsiniz.
# "Remix" yaparken, şarkı hızlarını otomatik olarak uygun hale getirir, işinizi kolaylaştırır.
# Geliştirilmiş yepyeni yeni nesil efektler.
# .VOB, .AVI, .MPG gibi dosya biçimlerini karaoke yapabilme imkanı.
# Tam otomatik ses ayarlama özelliği.

VirtualDJ is the hottest MP3 mixing software, targeting every DJ from bedroom DJs to professional superstars like Carl Cox.With its breakthrough BeatLock engine, your songs will always stay in the beat, and you can work your mixes incredibly faster than any other DJ could.The automatic seamless loop engine and the brand new synchronised sampler will let you perform astounding remixes live, with no preparation at all.

The visual representation and the cues allow you to clearly see the song's structure, and never be surprised by a break anymore.The vinyl controls will let you scratch like on a real turntable, except that with the beatlock engine your scratches will never end out of the beat.Add to that an infinite number of cue points you can save for each songs, a bunch of wonderful effects automatically beat-synchronised.

Atomix Virtual DJ - программа для микширования MP3 в реальном времени, с помощью её Вы сможете сделать отличный микс. Программа подходит как для новичков, так и для продвинутых DJ.Так же Atomix Virtual DJ содержит множество эффектов и примочек для DJ. Эта программа включает в себя такие возможности, как: автоматическая "подгонка" скорости треков, индикация изменения уровня громкости в треке, великолепная имитация виниловых пластинок, автосведение треков, возможность запомнить до 9 позиций в треке, множество плагинов для обработки звука, 3-х полосный эквалайзер, возможность записи микса в wav и mp3 и многое другое... Особенности Virtual DJ: Новый движок BeatLock: ваши треки, будут всегда соответствовать указанному времени микса, что позволит ускорить эффекты. Автоматическая смесь файлов: выполняет ремиксы. Синхронизированная машина: создание и проигрывания файлов на лету. Ясная визуализация структуры песни: файл разбивается на отрезки, как по эффектам, так и по времени. Видео соединение: создайте микс и соедините его с вашим файлом. Виниловый контроль: удобный контроль над MP3 файлами. Скачать

1489 adet Kaliteli Png icon

Çok kaliteli PNG ikonlar. Paketler birbirinden bağımsızdır, teker teker indirerek kullanabilirsiniz.

Sticker icons pack 2

41 icons | 256x256 | png & ico | 2.29 MB

Portable MathType v6.5a

Portable MathType v6.5a | Rs link | 6.7 Mb

MathType ile matematiksel sembollerin yazımı artık kolay. Office Word'ün denklem düzenleyicisinden çok daha kapsamlı ve pratik olması, ayrıca Word'de makro olarak kullanılabilmesi programı vazgeçilmez kılan özellikleri. Program öylesine kolay hazırlanmış ki üreticisi yol gösterici bile hazırlamamış. Kurulumu ve kullanımı şöyle:

Programı kurmadan önce Word'ü açın. Araçlar>Makro>Güvenlik'e gelin ve güvenliği düşük seviyeye getirin. Bu Mathtype'ı Word'de daha pratik kullanabilmeniz için yapmanız gereken ayardır. Bu ayarı yaptıktan sonra Mathtype'ı kurunuz. Kurulum için sadece bir kur dosyamız var ki üzerine çift tıklamanız yeterli olacaktır. Kurulum sonrası Word'e baktığınızda üstte Mathtype'a ait butonların eklendiğini göreceksiniz. O andan itibaren matematiksel veri içeren makale, tez, ödev vb. her şeyi Mathtype ile yazabilirsiniz.

MathType is a powerful interactive equation editor for Windows and Macintosh that lets you create mathematical notation for word processing, web pages, desktop publishing, presentations, and for TeX, LaTeX, and MathML documents. MathType works with 100s of applications and websites, allowing you to put Equations Everywhere and Anywhere™.

Yorutsuki Icons

Yoritsuki icons (Full set version) : 35 pngs / 35 icons | 5556 KB

Painting the Web

Paperback: 655 pages
Publisher: O’Reilly Media, Inc. (May 1, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 059651509X

Do you think that only professionals with expensive tools and years of experience can work with web graphics? This guide tosses that notion into the trash bin. Painting the Web is the first comprehensive book on web graphics to come along in years, and author Shelley Powers demonstrates how readers of any level can take advantage of the graphics and animation capabilities built into today’s powerful browsers. She covers GIFs, JPEGs, and PNGs, raster and vector graphics, CSS, Ajax effects, the canvas objects, SVG, geographical applications, and more
Paperback: 655 pages
Publisher: O’Reilly Media, Inc. (May 1, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 059651509X

Do you think that only professionals with expensive tools and years of experience can work with web graphics? This guide tosses that notion into the trash bin. Painting the Web is the first comprehensive book on web graphics to come along in years, and author Shelley Powers demonstrates how readers of any level can take advantage of the graphics and animation capabilities built into today’s powerful browsers. She covers GIFs, JPEGs, and PNGs, raster and vector graphics, CSS, Ajax effects, the canvas objects, SVG, geographical applications, and more – everything that designers (and non-designers) use to literally paint the Web. More importantly, Shelley’s own love of web graphics shines through in every example. Not only can you master the many different techniques, you also can have fun doing it. Topics in Painting the Web include: GIF, JPEG, PNG, lossy versus lossless compression, color management, and optimization Photo workflow, from camera to web page, including a review of photo editors, workflow tools, and RAW photo utilities Tricks for best displaying your photos online Non-photographic raster images (icons and logos), with step-by-step tutorials for creating popular “Web 2.0″ effects like reflection, shiny buttons, inlays, and shadows Vector graphics An SVG tutorial, with examples of all the major components Tips and tricks for using CSS Interactive effects with Ajax such as accordions and fades The canvas object implemented in most browsers Geographical applications such as Google Maps and Yahoo Maps, with programming and non-programming examples Visual effects such as forms and data displays in table or graphics Web design for the non-designer Graphics are not essential tothe web experience, but they do make the difference between a site that’s functional and one that’s lively, compelling, and exciting. Whether you want to spruce up a website, use photos to annotate your stories, create hot graphics, or provide compelling displays for your data, this is the book for you.

About the Author
Shelley Powers has been writing about technical topics–from the first release of Java to the latest graphics tools–for more than 12 years. Her recent books, all published with O’Reilly, have covered the semantic web, Ajax, JavaScript, Unix, and now the world of web graphics. She’s an avid amateur photographer and web graphics aficionado who enjoys applying her latest experiments on her many web sites.


Icons Lucid with PSD

Contains over 150 .png dock icons in both black and white of widely used applications, games, and system icons. PSD included, for you to see how I've made these and for you to add anything that was not included in the pack.

Contains over 150 .png dock icons in both black and white of widely used applications, games, and system icons. PSD included, for you to see how I've made these and for you to add anything that was not included in the pack.

Icons Lucid with PSD

Contains over 150 .png dock icons in both black and white of widely used applications, games, and system icons. PSD included, for you to see how I've made these and for you to add anything that was not included in the pack.

Contains over 150 .png dock icons in both black and white of widely used applications, games, and system icons. PSD included, for you to see how I've made these and for you to add anything that was not included in the pack.

The Essential Guide to CSS and HTML Web Design

Paperback: 600 pages
Publisher: friends of ED (November 12, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1590599071

The Essential Guide to CSS and HTML Web Design is a special book—it will tell you all you need to know to design great web sites that are standards compliant, usable, and look great, but not overwhelm you with waffle, theory, and obscure details. It is designed to be invaluable to you, whatever stage you are at in your career, with a mixture of practical tutorials and reference material—beginners will quickly pick up the basics, while more experienced web designers and developers will keep returning to the book again and again to recap on techniques they maybe haven’t used for a while, or look up properties, attributes and other details. It is destined to become a close friend, adopting a permanent
What you’ll learn
The basics of HTML and CSS web design
How to implement effective layouts, tables, images, navigation, forms and typography on web sites
How to deal with cross browser issues, including quirks, bugs, and hacks on IE 7 (and older versions,) Firefox, Safari, Opera, and all other major browsers.
How to make sure your sites are both usable and accessible
How to implement several different styles of web front-end, through several complete case studies, including a blog, a store front, and an online gallery
Detailed References are also provided so you don’t need to learn every little detail of CSS and HTML

About the Author
Craig was trained in the fine arts, but later became immersed in digital media, showing videos and multimedia work at leading international media festivals. The web caught his attention in 1995, and he now divides his time between creating websites, writing for various web and design-related magazines, and working on his eclectic Veer Musikal Unit audio project. Information, downloads, music, movies and dancing trees can be found at his website, Snub Communications ( Craig is a co-author of the original Foundation Dreamweaver MX from friends of ED, and also Dreamweaver MX Design Projects, from glasshaus.


Albook Extended 690 Png Icons

690 Icon | Format: 256×256 True colors + Canal Alpha 32bits | 10681 KB

Creative Suite 3 Integration: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Dreamweaver, Flash Pro, Acrobat, Bridge and Version Cue

Paperback: 352 pages
Publisher: Focal Press; Pap/Cdr edition (July 23, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0240520599

“The approach of this book is great. It really highlights the strength of Adobe Creative Suite 3: the integration of the products. Readers will become more efficient in their work…and find new tips and tricks as well!”
-Ginna Baldassare, Senior Product Manager, Creative Suite 3, Adobe Systems Inc.


DreamCalc DCP 4.4.1 Pro Calculator Portable

DreamCalc DCP 4.4.1 Pro Calculator Portable

Bilimsel Grafik Çizim Hesap makinası. DreamCalc bilgisayarınızda çalışırken ayrı elde taşınabilir bir grafik çizim hesap makinası kullanmak için tam donanımlı ve elverişli alternatif sağlayan bir yazılım uygulamasıdır. Sizin diğer uygulamalarınız yanı sıra yazılım olduğu için çalışır. DreamCalc ile gerçek bir hesap makinesı kullanıyormuş gibi hissedeceksiniz. Bu yerleşik yakınlıktan dolayı, onu kullanımı kolay ve elverişli bulacaksınız. Cebirsel & RPN Girdileri, Grafik Çizim Fonksiyonları, İstatistikler & İstatiksel Çizelgeler, Kompleks Sayılar, Base-n hesap makinesı (64bit ondalık & değişen nokta), Dönüştürme & Sabitler, Tarih Hesaplamaları, Çoklu Hafızalar ve Polinom Çözücü?yü (herhangi bir basamak) sunar. Girdi düzenini tercihinize--cebirsel ve RPN girdileri tamamiyle desteklenmiştir--uygun olması için yapılandırabilirsiniz. DreamCalc?ı sistem tepsisinden çalıştırabilirsiniz. Aynı zamanda Sayfa Tomar Penceresinde hesapların tarihsel bir kaydını tutar.

Bling Icons

Bling Icons
38 Ico & 38 PNG Files | Icons | 6.42 MB


Portable Amazon Chess v1.04

Portable Amazon Chess v1.04 | Size: 15.4 MB

Chess is a recreational and competitive game played between two players. Sometimes called Western chess or international chess to distinguish it from its predecessors and other chess variants, the current form of the game emerged in Southern Europe during the second half of the 15th century after evolving from similar, much older games of Indian and Persian origin. Today, chess is one of the world's most popular games, played by millions of people worldwide in clubs, online, by correspondence, in tournaments and informally.

The game is played on a square chequered chessboard with 64 squares arranged in an eight-by-eight square. At the start, each player (one controlling the white pieces, the other controlling the black pieces) controls sixteen pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns. The object of the game is to checkmate the opponent's king, whereby the king is under immediate attack (in "check") and there is no way to remove it from attack on the next move.
The tradition of organized competitive chess started in the sixteenth century and has developed extensively. Chess today is a recognized sport of the International Olympic Committee. The first official World Chess Champion, Wilhelm Steinitz, claimed his title in 1886; Viswanathan Anand is the current World Champion. Theoreticians have developed extensive chess strategies and tactics since the game's inception. Aspects of art are found in chess composition.

System requirements:
• Windows 2000/XP/Vista
• DirectX 8
• 1 GHz
• 256 MB RAM

PhotoLine32 15.01 Portable

PhotoLine32 15.01 Portable | 12,7 Mb


Tanıtım:PhotoLine Güçlü bir resim oluşturma programı. Esnek metin, imaj katmanı özellikleri, standart resim, filtre ve çeşitli efekt özellikleri ile istediğiniz kreasyonu yapabilirsiniz. Desterkledigi formatlar PDF, TIF, BMP, GIF, JPEG, CMX, PCD, PCX, PNG, PSD, EPS, PICT, TGA, IMG, ICO, ANI, XBM, IFF, ESM, CGM, PIC, CVG, GEM, WMF, EMF.


PhotoLine 32 is an imaging software, layout program, vector editor, batch converter, and Web editor with many functions. It provides painting, cloning, filtering, blending, and flood fill, many special effects, dynamic layer effects, and working layers. The program supports many picture formats, animated GIFs, CMYK, 16 bit per channel, color management, multiple undo/redo levels, plug-in filter, action recording, animations, poster and label printing.


Image Processing
-16 bit per channel, support of CMYK and Lab
-Color management with ICC profiles
-Lossless imaging
-Process digital photos
-Retouch, correct, ...

-IPTC and EXIF data handling
-Rotate images lossless
-Rename images and create catalogues
-Create HTML galleries
-Add and edit keywords
-Powerful search capabilities

Portable Photoshop CS4

Portable Photoshop CS4 | 66 MB

Portable Photoshop CS4 | 66 MB

Portable Zaxwerks ProAnimator 4.3.1

Portable Zaxwerks ProAnimator 4.3.1 | 10.8MB

ProAnimator comes in two forms: as a standalone application and as an After Effects plug-in. Both products act exactly the same, but the plug-in is integrated into Adobe After Effects, so you can do all of your authoring with After Effects. The standalone application doesn't require a host product, so you may generate your animated movies independent of any particular target. You may even import a standalone ProAnimator scene into the ProAnimator plug-in (or vice versa) for added flexibility.

ProAnimator includes all of the powerful 3D content creation tools as the 3D Invigorator PRO product. It also contains a next generation animation system that can be used to quickly generate complex animations that would take hours to create in other 3D applications.

ProAnimator includes an advanced animation system that you can use to generate complex animations.

The work is done inside of the Animation window. The familiar track interface contains special animation segments called Poses and Transitions. You use Poses to position your objects and text. You use Transitions to tell the animation system how to move the objects from Pose to Pose. Cascading animations are a snap.

The area below the tracks contains the animation controls which are used to position objects in Poses and set animation timing in Transitions. Most of your animation can be done using just a few controls, but other controls exist so that you can create the animation you want.

The ProAnimator plug-in works well with After Effects. You can apply ProAnimator as an Effect and then bring up the ProAnimator interface with a click of a button.

You can either use After Effects 3D cameras and lights or you can use the ProAnimator camera and light controls, offering unprecedented flexibility when integrating Invigorator-style text and objects into your After Effects project.

Rather than starting in Adobe Illustrator, you can now jump into the 3D process with a full-featured text editor. The 3D text engine can use Post Script Type 1 and True Type fonts resident on your computer system to directly create 3D models using any of the 100 edge bevels included with the program.

Each letter can have its own font, size, kerning, tracking, baseline shift, horizontal and vertical scale, color, bevel, position and depth. But the most astounding hallmark to this feature is the ability to change the text at any phase of the production process and retain the color, modeling and animation.

This means that after the first version of a promo is created, 50 other versions can be created by simply changing the text. The new 3D text will retain the same coloring, text attributes, 3D beveling, texture map placement and even the animation data. This makes for an unbelievably fast production process when many changes or extra versions are needed.

System Requirements

* Windows XP service pack 2 or Windows Vista
* Pentium 4 or better
* Windows XP service pack 2 or Windows Vista
* Quicktime 7 or DirectX 9
* 512 MB RAM

Rare Vectors Mix Pack

con set 2 Date: Today, 10:50 | LOZOR|

AI. | 24files | 16.39 MB

Vector Mix #170209

12 EPS | + JPG Preview | 11 Mb rar

Money Clipart

Money Clipart
9 GIF + 2 TIF | 12,04 Mb

HD Nature Wallpaper's 2


This site for best istock imges

Professional Apple Wallpapers Pack

100 JPEG | 800x640, 1024x728, 1280x1024, 1600x1200, 1920x1200, 2560x1600 | 52.49 Mb

100 Soyut Duvar Kağıdı HD

100 Soyut Duvarkağıdı HD | 1600 X 1200 | 45.66 MB


Barbie Fashion Designs collection (ai) [New Link]

Barbie Fashion Designs collection (ai)

iStockphoto Vector Illustrations (3 Pack)

iStockphoto Vector Illustrations (3 Pack)


iStockphoto Second Vector Illustrations 

iStockphoto Third_Vector Illustrations Pack

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